Platform: VS.Net, Unmanaged MFC C++ Application
I used the "Add Class -> MFC -> MFC Class From ActiveX Control" wizard to
generate a class for my charting control. Now I'm attempting to add the
control to my MFC application.
I can instantiate the control but it won't show in the CView window. I know
the control is instantiated because I can call an "export to file" function
and it does export the chart to a file.
Any ideas? Am I missing a step?
Code to instantiate the control:
if (m_AxisChart.Create(NULL, dwStyle, CRect(0, 0, 100, 100), this,
AfxMessageBox("Unable to create Chart control!");
return -1;
I used the "Add Class -> MFC -> MFC Class From ActiveX Control" wizard to
generate a class for my charting control. Now I'm attempting to add the
control to my MFC application.
I can instantiate the control but it won't show in the CView window. I know
the control is instantiated because I can call an "export to file" function
and it does export the chart to a file.
Any ideas? Am I missing a step?
Code to instantiate the control:
if (m_AxisChart.Create(NULL, dwStyle, CRect(0, 0, 100, 100), this,
AfxMessageBox("Unable to create Chart control!");
return -1;