L Lisa Mar 22, 2008 #1 The reader page well open up and than freeze, how and under what page can i re download this from Micosoft?
The reader page well open up and than freeze, how and under what page can i re download this from Micosoft?
T TaurArian Mar 22, 2008 #2 You get the Adobe Acrobat Reader from Adobe - http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html -- TaurArian [MVP] 2005-2008 - Update Services http://taurarian.mvps.org ====================================== How to ask a question: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/555375 Computer Maintenance: Acronis / Diskeeper / Paragon / Raxco | The reader page well open up and than freeze, how and under what page can i | re download this from Micosoft?
You get the Adobe Acrobat Reader from Adobe - http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html -- TaurArian [MVP] 2005-2008 - Update Services http://taurarian.mvps.org ====================================== How to ask a question: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/555375 Computer Maintenance: Acronis / Diskeeper / Paragon / Raxco | The reader page well open up and than freeze, how and under what page can i | re download this from Micosoft?