My Account Rights have been violated!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul Simon
  • Start date Start date

Paul Simon

On my XP home box, I have Adminstrator rights..... at least may account
setup says I do. Yet, when I try to install certain programs (such as
Quicktime 7 that comes with the new iTunes, or the latest Flash) my PC
says I do not have Adminsitrator rights and it won't allow me to
complete the install!

First, why don't I have those rights if my user account says I do?
Second, how do I correct this?

All help GREATLY appreciated!

Paul Simon said:
On my XP home box, I have Adminstrator rights..... at least
may account setup says I do. Yet, when I try to install certain
programs (such as Quicktime 7 that comes with the new
iTunes, or the latest Flash) my PC says I do not have
Adminsitrator rights and it won't allow me to complete the

Trouble installing iTunes or QuickTime software in Windows