MxO(The Matrix Online)

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Alright, I have tried everything in my knowledge to fix this problem. Take
into account that I just got the game yesterday, and have been trying to get
the game to work. I have a Windows XP pc, which should be compatible with the
game as it states in the instruction booklet. I put the first disc in and
begin to intall the game, and everything runs fine, perfectly. It begins to
download. In the middle of the downloading session, it tells me to insert
disc two. Not only that(This is hard to describe so please bear with me)
there's a tool box that has the file name, D: which i'm guessing stands for
disk 2. When this box appears I have three options, ok, browse or cancel, so
I put disk 2 of the Matrix game in, and obviously I chose OK. Now, the game
seems to be downloading fine, but as it is about to complete, an error
message shows up that reports this....

File d:/
Error: Data error(Cylic redundancy check)

I tried to do the same procedure several didn't work. So, a
friend of mine told me something that might help, so I clicked start, clicked
run, put in EVENTVWR and it brings me towards three colums. I am supposedly
to click application log, which I did, and all sorts of colums appear. The
next thing my buddy tells me to do is click the source button, and then
double click on application 1005, I do that, he then tells me to NOTE the
filename (I didn't have a clue what he meant by that, so if anyone does,
please tell me.) So I simply pressed the OK button, but behold it STILL
DOESN'T WORK! I am just...fed up with the game right now. If anyone could
reply to me a procedure or a list of several procedures that would most
likely fix the problem, or has went through a similar problem like this and
knows what to do, please reply here, thank you.

| Alright, I have tried everything in my knowledge to fix this problem. Take
| into account that I just got the game yesterday, and have been trying to get
| the game to work. I have a Windows XP pc, which should be compatible with the
| game as it states in the instruction booklet. I put the first disc in and
| begin to intall the game, and everything runs fine, perfectly. It begins to
| download. In the middle of the downloading session, it tells me to insert
| disc two. Not only that(This is hard to describe so please bear with me)
| there's a tool box that has the file name, D: which i'm guessing stands for
| disk 2. When this box appears I have three options, ok, browse or cancel, so
| I put disk 2 of the Matrix game in, and obviously I chose OK. Now, the game
| seems to be downloading fine, but as it is about to complete, an error
| message shows up that reports this....
| Feature:Resources
| Component:Resources
| File d:/
| Error: Data error(Cylic redundancy check)
| I tried to do the same procedure several didn't work. So, a
| friend of mine told me something that might help, so I clicked start, clicked
| run, put in EVENTVWR and it brings me towards three colums. I am supposedly
| to click application log, which I did, and all sorts of colums appear. The
| next thing my buddy tells me to do is click the source button, and then
| double click on application 1005, I do that, he then tells me to NOTE the
| filename (I didn't have a clue what he meant by that, so if anyone does,
| please tell me.) So I simply pressed the OK button, but behold it STILL
| DOESN'T WORK! I am just...fed up with the game right now. If anyone could
| reply to me a procedure or a list of several procedures that would most
| likely fix the problem, or has went through a similar problem like this and
| knows what to do, please reply here, thank you.

That type of error could mean the CD is corrupt... Check the CD
and the CD Player. Clean both using a Cleaning Kit, and check for
scratches on the CD. Try installing the game on another computer,
if the game installs, the culprit is probably your CD ROM drive if it
doesn't install then it's the CD, in which case you need to replace it.

Before replacing the CD, try copying it to your hard drive and then
run the setup / installation program from there. To copy the CD go
to My Computer, Right-Click the CD, Choose "Copy", then Right-
Click on your Hard Drive, Choose "Paste".

Uninstall the game using Add-Remove programs before attempting
to reinstall it. (Start / Control Panel / Add-Remove Programs).

Here are three basic troubleshooting steps which I recommend:

1. To see if it's a software conflict: Temporarily disable Startup
programs one at a time, starting with Firewall, Antivirus, and ad
blockers using:

You can lookup what a program does before you disable it here:

2. Run a virus scan at: Afterwards
Download & Run Spybot from: and/or
Adaware ( to remove any Spyware/Adware.

3. Click My Computer / Rightclick the Drive & Choose Properties
/ Run the "Disk Cleanup..." / Next Click the "Tools" Tab and run
the "Error-Checking" and "Defragmentation" utilities.

If nothing including those 3 steps have resolved the problem so far,
here's more basic troubleshooting steps and information including:
The Safedisc patch
How to check CD for imperfections, and
How to Disable Virtual CD rom drives which is described at: (EA General Support Page) and also:

How to Troubleshoot Disc-Reading Issues
Error Messages That May Be Caused by Disc-Reading Issues
Troubleshoot Error Messages
Examine the Disc
Clean the Disc
Test the Disc in a Different Drive
Clean the Drive
Test Disc Read with Copy or Xcopy
Quit Unnecessary Software
Switch the Drive Controller to DMA Mode, and
How to Troubleshoot DVD Error Messages is available in this
MS Article:

Cheers, Windows XP MVP Shell / User
Jimmy S.

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