If two people come to the museum, and one person is from Overseas, but the
other one is local, I should have two combo boxes: one with the values set
to a list of countries for the ticket issuer to the museum to select, and
the other to a list of postcodes.
However, some ticket issuing staff have extremely limited experience with
computers, and they might accidentally enter both a country and a
postcode, which would create problems for our statistics.
Could it be that a way exists to connect the two fields together, so that
an entry in one field automatically prevents an entry being made in the
other one is local, I should have two combo boxes: one with the values set
to a list of countries for the ticket issuer to the museum to select, and
the other to a list of postcodes.
However, some ticket issuing staff have extremely limited experience with
computers, and they might accidentally enter both a country and a
postcode, which would create problems for our statistics.
Could it be that a way exists to connect the two fields together, so that
an entry in one field automatically prevents an entry being made in the