Don't forget the /"and then a miracle occurs" switch.
Well it is magic....<grin>
I have trouble getting along without WhereIS, TList, and Kill for
more than about 10 minutes on a new machine.
(My whereis command has a "look" only in the path directories
switch which is great for "where did I put THAT OTHER tool"
It's showing it's age as I wrote it last time for OS/2 (really) but
I have just about got it re-built (it works sort of) in C#.
It was my C# learning project. <grin>
Perl is hard to live without; Grep (I really don't like FindStr but
will use it if I must. -- I probably should just rename or copy
FindStr to MSGrep maybe that would fix it.)
As far as GUI and other stuff, I pretty much insist on SupportTools,
AdminPak.MSI, and ResKit being installed.
Oh, and the MOST IMPORTANT MS tool: TechNet.
Did I mention TechNet Information Library? Technet.
Yes, and "Cmd.exe: For %a in (...) Do [magic goes here] "