I've been a regular user of Musicmatch for a while. I subscribe to
their Musicmatch Radio Gold service - not as good as the 'On Demand'
service that's available in the US, but pretty good anyway. I had a
look at my account details today and it says the following:-
Musicmatch Radio
We're sorry, but Musicmatch is no longer licensed to provide Radio
Gold in your country. Your subscription will not renew once your
current term expires.
The only option under the 'edit subscription' button is 'Cancel'.
I really like the Musicmatch player. Is there any other online
streaming music service that supports the Musicmatch player, or do I
have to dump it when my current subscription ends? What are the best
alternatives out there?
their Musicmatch Radio Gold service - not as good as the 'On Demand'
service that's available in the US, but pretty good anyway. I had a
look at my account details today and it says the following:-
Musicmatch Radio
We're sorry, but Musicmatch is no longer licensed to provide Radio
Gold in your country. Your subscription will not renew once your
current term expires.
The only option under the 'edit subscription' button is 'Cancel'.
I really like the Musicmatch player. Is there any other online
streaming music service that supports the Musicmatch player, or do I
have to dump it when my current subscription ends? What are the best
alternatives out there?