I understand that Mp3s cannot be embedded in your
presentation, but is there anyway to make a linked file
automatically start when you slide show is runnning. Any
help would be appreciated.
Just went through this. It depends in part on what version you have. I
posted a similar question on 16 Mar, and several others were posted on that
day as well. Go back to that day and look for the posts with subjects...
Music (KKelleyH)
Re: Embedding Music (Troy @ TLC Creative)
Play a audio file (Willa)
Slide show with sound - strange behavior (CR Optiker)
Mine is the last of these. If you read the replies to these, I'm almost
sure you'll find your solution. I ended up being able to either embed WAV
files or link MP3 files to my slide show and have the music play throughout
the show without stopping when the slide changed.
As for making it start when the slide show starts, in PPT 2002 which I am
using, when you INSERT the sound file, you get a popup dialog that asks if
you want it to start automatically. In other versions, I'm not sure if that
comes up or not. I did mine on another computer that had PPT 2000, and I
don't recall if that's how it worked, or if I set it to start automatically
from some "properties" setting or other.
Maybe somebody else can help on that.