Music files modified without my knowledge

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shiza
  • Start date Start date


I am continually finding that my music files are being
modified without my having anything to do with it. I
would sort by date modified and everyday my old files
would somehow now be the newest ones there. Why is this
sounds like its connecting to the internet on its own,
you can try to disable this, or get a firewall to prevent
it. i use outpost.

If you are using Windows Media Player 9 there is a feature that will
automatically add missing information to music files (WMA and MP3's). This
option is configurable. If you go to:

1. Open Windows Media Player 9
2. Click Tools
3. Choose Options:
4. Click on the Media Library Tab

You can now configure the Automatic media information updates for files

Disabling this feature will stop Media player from automatically updating
your files.

To learn more about this feature in the Windows Media Player help goto:
1. Customizing the Player
2. Setting Options
3. Setting Media Library Options

Hope this helps.

open your player. click tools at the top. click options.
click on the media library tab. down towards the bottom
un check the option to overwrite extsting information and
un check the option to rename and rearrage music using
media information. this should allow your information to