Using this has got to borderline on commiting a crime in
my view there is no genuine reason to have this except to
hack into someones account, I've never used this but I
think it may be more likely that you have opened a
backdoor on your own pc rather than be able to gain
access to someone elses,
Here's another trojan he makes:
The Hard Drive Killer program offer one the ability to
fully and permanently destroy all data on any given Dos
or Win3.x/9x/NT/2000 based system.
The program, once executed, will start eating up the hard
drive, and/or infect and reboot the hard drive within a
few seconds. After rebooting, all hard drives attached to
the system would be formatted (in an unrecoverable
manner) within only 1 to 2 seconds, irregardless of the
size of the hard drive. The program has reported to have
caused physical damage to some hard drives (on many
I dont know what your best options are regarding this,
This guy knows what he's doing and its possible you are
sending infomation to him from your pc, He may also know
ways to get around netstat and Antivirus detection so its
hard to know what you should do if you have run this on
your system, Maybe its genuine and is just a brute hacker
but I suspect there's alot more going on than that, If it
was me id try antivirus scanners if nothing is detected
and the problem is still there, I would format and do a
fresh install of Windows then change all passwords but
thats just me,
Here's some testing info on MB
Good Luck