I need to make a line chart that displays data from more than one table. I think my problem is getting the program to understand what I want as my x and y axis. The tables are in the same sheet. They are plotting water levels along a river. One table is for water levels on structures, taken by the people who own the structures. The other table contains the water levels as measured by the TVA, this table salso contains data on the avereage water level for the past 100 years. I need a table that has river miles ( the distance from a certain point in the river) as the x (bottom) axis, the water level in feet as the y (left) axis, and plots a seperate line for the structures water level, the level as measured by the TVA, and the 100 year average. One of my co-workers made a chart for me, with the correct x and y axis and the three lines, but it did not plot correctly. I can tell because the the measued water levels stretch for a longer distance than the structures, but on the chart the lines were flip-flopped. Any help is really appreciated.