Multiuser Problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Prabhat
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How do I lock a particular record that one user has opened for editing?

If I use the pessimistic type, can other users view the record (but not
edit it) and return a message telling that another person is editing the
record, or does this type lock the record such that it is unavailable
until the editor releases it?

An explanation of pessimistic and optimistic lock types would be really
useful, as would some example code.

My project is to maintenance system with multiple users who can
all edit every record. However, I need to control the edit function so
that nobody edits a record that is in the process of being edited by
someone else. Also I Don't want to to use a Database Column for FLAG to
Maintain the Edit Mode.

My Database is SQL Server with VB.NET with ADO.NET (or Lagecy ADO) is the
Programming TOOL.

Any ideas?
ADO.NET is disconnected so you can't use rowlocks like yo udid with legacy
ado. Instead, they have optimisitc concurrency, in which case you compare
row versions on the update.

I have written on this several times, so you can google group for my name
and find an entire article on it (pretty much taken from David Sceppa's
ADO.NET book).


Database locking:

1. Pessimistic locking - in todays modern languages this is not really the
way to go and implementing it is getting harder. Pessimistic locking
requires that you have a database transaction locking the row of the record
that the user is editing preventing any other user from editing that row.

2. Optimistic locking is the way to go but requires that you check to see if
the record has changed since you allowed the user to edit the row.

3. No locking is common amongst developers and leads to business rule chaos.
You must check that the rows you are about to update are the same ones that
you or your user thought they were changing.

Some examples.

To perform pessimistic locking with ADO.Net is gonna be really hard as you
don't know if the user will ever return back to the code that caused the
lock to be put on in the first place. I'll do a quick pseudo code Forms app
to show you how you'd do it - but like I said above - don't do this it's not
good practice!

Protected _cn as SQLConnection
Protected _tr as SQLTransaction

Sub cmdEditRow()
cn = New SQLConnection(.... fill in the details here.....)
tr = cn.BeginTrans

Dim cm As New SQLCommand("SELECT * FROM row WHERE id=10",cn, tr)
End Sub

Sub cmdUpdateRow()
Dim cm as New SQLCommand("UPDATE row SET field = new_value WHERE id=10",
cn, tr)
_tr = Nothing
_cn = Nothing
End sub

So what you'd have to do is call cmdEditRow before presenting the data to
the user and because the database transaction is left un-commited the row
will be left locked. Any attempt to play with that row in the database will
timeout as there is a database lock on that row - e.g. a bad situation to be

The once the user has changed what he/she wants and clicked Update or
whatever you the call cmdUpdateRow which, updates the rows with the new
values. Because this is within the same transaction this will be allowed and
after updating the row the transaction is commited and the member variables
cleared as there is no longer a transaction in place.

As you can see this is not a good way to write software and you should
consider the next option.

ADO.Net helps out a lot with the chore of writing opportunistic check code.

The theory is that you get the values from the row and present them to the
user. Allow the user to edit the row but before you write the data back to
the row you ensure that nothing has changed in the row. The CommandBuilder
classes create update statements that check the before values from within
the where clause and generate a DataConcurrecyException if the old values
are not the same as when the row was first read. You'll need to ensure that
if you are using ASP.Net that you persist the DataSet / DataTable. A common
mistake is to present the user with the values on one HTML page. Allow the
user to edit and then post back the results to the page. This page goes and
gets the values to compare with - but they might not be the same as when the
user first saw the page - you've no longer got a locking strategy.

If you want to get cute and program like a pro then you end up doing the
following. Rather than compare the fields of the row you can use a
"timestamp" column. This colunm is guaranteed to change whenever any of the
other fields change in the row - so if the timestamp column has changed then
you know that the row has changed since you last looked.

I'll show you an example that uses timestamps and datatables. Because this
is only doing a single read there is no need for a database transaction as
such but it would be good practice to use them throughout.

So some code:

Sub Page_Load()
' first call into the page so lets display the data
If Not IsPostBack Then
Dim cn As new SQLConnection(......)
Dim da as new SQLDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM row WHERE id = 10")
Dim dt as new DataTable
Dim dr as DataRow = dt.Rows(0)
ViewState.Add("ts", dr.Item("ts").ToString)
txtCustomerName.Text = dr.Item("name").ToString
End If
End Sub

All of the above should be inside a try..catch..finally to ensure that the
Connection object is closed/disposed if things fail.

You'll note that I've added the original timestamp column "ts" into the
viewstate so that I can retrieve it at a later date - such as in the routine
below which involves the save.

Sub cmdSave_Click( ByVal sender as Object, ByVal args As System.EventArgs )
' this would be called after a click on the page indicating that the
user wants to save
Dim cn as New SQLConnection(.......)
Dim tr as SQLTransaction = cn.BeginTrans
Dim cmTS as New SQLComment("SELECT ts FROM row WHERE id = 10", cn, tr)
Dim ts As Object = cmTs.ExecuteScalar
If (ts.ToString <> DirectCast(ViewState.Item("ts"), String) Then
' someone else has edited this row so show an error
Dim cm as New SQLCommand("UPDATE row SET name = @name WHERE id =
10", cn, tr)
cm.Parameters.Add("@name", Sqldbtype.String).Value =
' update the row
End If

The key to the above is the check to ensure that the "ts" field (which is a
timestamp column) hasn't changed. If it has then somebody else has edited
the row. You'll also note that the update is within a transaction as there
is more than one call being made.

I hope that helps - the code is straight from my head so give it a go and
expect to make a few changes to make it work.


Thanks Gary

The Information you have given was realy VERY VERY Good and Useful to ME and
Also Changed the Way I was thinking to CODE.

I will Use the 2nd Option "Optimistic locking " and Go with that. Now I am
Exploring the ADO.NET how I can Use that option.

As I am New to the ADO.NET Can you give me some Small but good Example to
"check to see if the record has changed since you allowed the user to edit
the row." Or any good Web LINK Will Help me out to learn more on that.

Thanks a LOT


I've not got a good link to hand but as this is the basis of ADO.Net coding
any good book on that subject will cover this area.

For the easiest to use code look at the CommandBuilder classes - they create
the update statements for you based on an insert statement - quite clever
but there are various gotcha's if you need to concern yourself with

Personnally I write code that generates stored procedures to do the checks
for me based on the table schemas - but that's 10,000+ lines of code!

C.J. Taylor's post included a book reference so why not follow that one.

