Jonathan Crawford
I can go through a list box
enumerating the items, however
I need to pick up columns as well
For Each varItem In Lst_Batches.ItemsSelected
Debug.Print Lst_Batches.ItemData(varItem)
Next varItem
This picks up the first column but I was hoping
Debug.Print Lst_Batches.ItemData(varItem).Column(3)
might return values but it comes
up with object required
I am up a creek with this one
I can go through a list box
enumerating the items, however
I need to pick up columns as well
For Each varItem In Lst_Batches.ItemsSelected
Debug.Print Lst_Batches.ItemData(varItem)
Next varItem
This picks up the first column but I was hoping
Debug.Print Lst_Batches.ItemData(varItem).Column(3)
might return values but it comes
up with object required
I am up a creek with this one