Jamie Martin said:
I was just reading in someone's signature that crossposting can be OK but
multiposting is not. I want to do right, so let's make sure I understand:
Crossposting would be posting the same question in multiple groups, and
multiposting would be posting several messages related to the same question
(not on the same thread)?
It was my usual signature (that I don't always use).
The major advocate *against* crossposting in these newsgroups clearly went
through a period when he didn't understand the difference between
crossposting and multiposting. From his website:
"Don't cross post. The people who answer your question generally frequent
several groups. Posting in multiple groups results in duplicated effort
without the benefit of previous answers in a thread."
Only multiposted articles result in duplicated effort. Crossposted articles
read in one newsgroup using competently designed newsreader programs (such
as Outlook Express, but there are many others) are marked as read in all
other newsgroups. Thus, no problem.
Some newsreader programs are inherently stupid (e.g., AOL's), and support
posting to only a single newsgroup at a time. However, since it's possible
to use other newsreader programs in conjunction with AOL, thus abandon AOL's
newsreader, it'd be a more efficient use of many persons' time to mention
this to AOL users rather than bemoan crossposting.
That said, nothing gained by crossposting to .misc and
..worksheet.functions - the same people read and respond in both. There's
somewhat better reason for crossposting to either of those and .programming
for questions involving VBA because there are a lot of regular respondents
in .programming who don't seem to participate at all in the other Excel
If you like the exotic, crossposting to microsoft.public.excel.* newsgroups
*AND* comp.apps.spreadsheets has been known to turn up helpful respondents
in the latter ng who never read the former. [There actually are spreadsheet
users who don't use Excel, and from time to time they have novel insight
into Excel problems.] Finally, crossposting Automation questions to Excel
and scripting/programming language newsgroups is certain to get your
question read by a much broader group than posting only to one or the other.
Given the frequency of unremarked crossposting between comp.unix.shell and
comp.lang.perl.misc, two newsgroups frequented by people who seldom if ever
have qualms about flaming improper conduct, it makes the concerns about
crossposting in the Excel newsgroups seem rather quaint.