Multiplying cells....I am a rookie!

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I need to get cell C (cost per unit) multiplied by Cell F (Quantity) to automatically calculate the answer and put it into Cell G (Total cost in dollars and cents). How do I do this Please help

Use a formula in column G like =C1*F1.

gpitman said:
I need to get cell C (cost per unit) multiplied by Cell F
(Quantity) to automatically calculate the answer and put it into
Cell G (Total cost in dollars and cents). How do I do this Please
I set the formula in but when I change the value in cell "F" the value in cell "G" does not change. What am I missing here
When I highlite my chart and click on conditional formatting it shows my formula asa ="C*F=G" but if I change the quantity in F the on hand dollar amount in "G" does not change. "C" is my cost/unit and "F" is my quantity on hand. "G" is the total cost of product on hand.
you loose me with the reference to 'conditional formating'?
I assume you mean cells like F1, G1, C1 (please be precise as otherwise
it's a little bit difficult to answer correctly)

If your result does not change check if automatic calculation is
enabled (goto 'Tools - Options - Calculate')
If this does not work please provide the following:
- which excat cells are you using (complete cell reference)
- which is the exact formula you put into one cell
- whaht are the values in the referenced cells.
Let's assume a few things for simplicity.

Cell C2 is $12.34
Cell F2 is 24

Do this in Cell G2:
=C2 * F2

That will get you 296.16, and you need to format that
cell to get the dollar sign to appear. Go to Format >>
Cell >> Number and select "Currency."

-----Original Message-----
I need to get cell C (cost per unit) multiplied by Cell
F (Quantity) to automatically calculate the answer and
put it into Cell G (Total cost in dollars and cents). How
do I do this Please help!
Thanks everyone....I had to use arrays on each product line but I have it doing what I wanted! Thanx for your patients with me...........Gene