I received a spam message that linked to here (munged):
http://74 ... 33 ... 169 ... 126/?aabb
That site has some weird encrypted javascript that seems to create a
900k block with some strange data appended.
Three things confuse me about the script:
1) The 900k block is created, and the "strange data" is appended, but
it's not injected anywhere.
2) The "strange data" seems to be further encrypted; I can see what
looks like a garbled URL, but I can't find out what site is being linked to.
3) An EMBED element is created that links to a .wmv file with an
extrememly long name, but I can't get the file from the server; I only
get 404 responses.
I've already reported this site to both Google and Frontiernet. The site
was linked to from a spam e-mail.
http://74 ... 33 ... 169 ... 126/?aabb
That site has some weird encrypted javascript that seems to create a
900k block with some strange data appended.
Three things confuse me about the script:
1) The 900k block is created, and the "strange data" is appended, but
it's not injected anywhere.
2) The "strange data" seems to be further encrypted; I can see what
looks like a garbled URL, but I can't find out what site is being linked to.
3) An EMBED element is created that links to a .wmv file with an
extrememly long name, but I can't get the file from the server; I only
get 404 responses.
I've already reported this site to both Google and Frontiernet. The site
was linked to from a spam e-mail.