I am creating a golf handi-cap program in Excel 97. In column A, th
players names. In column B is that players handicap index (player i
cell A7 shows his index in B7). Column C is to be the player handicap
for a specific course, which is calculated by the Value in column B
the handi-cap Index) times a constant factor such as 1.2036.
This way A7 says "Joe Golfer". Cell B7 is Joe Golfers handicap index.
Cell C7 is Joe Golfers handi cap in a specific course. The formula i
=B7*1.2036. The problem I have is getting ALL of column B to b
multipied by the same constant number-with the result of thi
calculation appearing in column C. I am having to enter a formula cel
by cell! With 30 players and 8 courses I would be typing all night
is'nt there a way to program the entire column at once?
players names. In column B is that players handicap index (player i
cell A7 shows his index in B7). Column C is to be the player handicap
for a specific course, which is calculated by the Value in column B
the handi-cap Index) times a constant factor such as 1.2036.
This way A7 says "Joe Golfer". Cell B7 is Joe Golfers handicap index.
Cell C7 is Joe Golfers handi cap in a specific course. The formula i
=B7*1.2036. The problem I have is getting ALL of column B to b
multipied by the same constant number-with the result of thi
calculation appearing in column C. I am having to enter a formula cel
by cell! With 30 players and 8 courses I would be typing all night
is'nt there a way to program the entire column at once?