Multiple Worksheet Find



I want to know if it's possible to have a function that allows us to search
multiple Worksheets with minimum commands. You obviously use the CTRL - F, to
search a sheet or workbook, but we have 7 of them open at a time, that we
would like to search for data in.

The other part of that is, Is it possible to default the CTRL - F function
to default to search Workbook?

Gord Dibben

You say you have "7 of them open at the same time" so I assume you mean 7

There is no function to search across multiple open workbooks.

You can search across worksheets in a single workbook.

I don't know of any way to default the "search in" to workbook.

Just right-click on a sheet tab and "Select all sheets" then do your search.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Is the following something that could be useful? It has helped my scenario:

I was able to find and use a very simple solution to search all worksheets
within a workbook. The users will be shown how to do this.

For now this is an easy solution.

Searching for a specific name in the Workbook within multiple worksheets:

1. Select Edit, Find
2. Within Find What – enter the last name eg.: Smith
3. Change Within cell to “Workbook†and check “Match Caseâ€
4. Select Search “By Rowsâ€
5. Click on Find All
Item is found
If name is not in Workbook, message is displayed advising this.

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