What I have found to be the "cleanest" way is to use a little VBA to create
a UserForm that includes a multipage form of all your departments forms on
them. The way I simplify the process is to have the caption of the
optionbutton the same name as the file name so the code is simpler.
I would be more than happy to provide more information if you desire to go
this route, but basically it consists of a toolbar button that opens a
UserForm. This UserForm resides in a generic template that is set in a
common network "startup" folder. When the button is clicked on the toolbar
a form opens up showing all the available templates broken up on a multipage
form. When clicked it looks for a file with the same name as the caption of
the button is a specified folder (this is where unique folders can be used
for each department) and opens a document based on that template.
This way each department can modify their forms and everyone can have access
to all of them if needed.
I have been planning on putting together a tutorial with sample code, but
you know how that goes. Holler back if you think you might be interested
and I can get you started down the path.
Bill Foley