Multiple Users

  • Thread starter Thread starter Scott Egbert
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Scott Egbert

I just bought a new computer and would like more info on multiple users.
I am not new to computers just the multiple user feature within XP.
Are all programs shared?
To share a program must it be loaded before users are added?
Does each user boot up differently? If so would some set up a "gaming user"?
If one user downloaded a virus would it be limited to that user or infect
the entire system?
I will be using this computer for my home business with a notebook or two
networked to it via a wireless router.
My family will be using the desktop for fun, email, internet, etc, and I
would like to protect the system as much as possible.

Any advice is appreciated,

Scott Egbert wrote on 05-Oct-2004 7:34 PM:
I just bought a new computer and would like more info on multiple users.
I am not new to computers just the multiple user feature within XP.
Are all programs shared?

Typically they are shared. They usually appear in everyone's Start>All
Programs and even if they don't, users can execute any executable in
Program Files and many other places, although limited users can't write
in Program Files.
To share a program must it be loaded before users are added?

Users don't simultaneously share programs. Users can't simultaneously
run programs, but users can "go to sleep" when you fast-switch to
another user without logging out. This is an advantage when you want to
read your email without logging your son out of his homework, but it can
be hazardous in some situations, so don't install software with other
users logged in.
Does each user boot up differently? If so would some set up a "gaming user"?

Each user has their own profile in Documents & Settings, but most of the
settings are user interface tweaks. Everyone uses the same OS settings.
If one user downloaded a virus would it be limited to that user or infect
the entire system?

It would infect the entire system in most cases, although in some cases
you have to clean the bug out of each account profile.
I will be using this computer for my home business with a notebook or two
networked to it via a wireless router.

You should enable encryption on your wireless network. WPA is best, WEP
is more widely implemented. You might want to disable advertising your
SSID and you might want to enable MAC address controls to control which
devices can use your network.
My family will be using the desktop for fun, email, internet, etc, and I
would like to protect the system as much as possible.

Make your family members, including yourself, limited users who cannot
install software. Post back with instances of applications that don't
work with limited users, these can usually be mitigated. Install
software and maintain your system from one admin account and save
Administrator for emergency use. Do not place important information like
finances and family photos on the same machine that your kid uses for

Follow best practices and install SP2, enable Automatic Updates, enable
the Windows Firewall unless you use a third-party firewall or a
cable/DSL router, install an anti-virus program and enable background
scanning, and finally protect IE with Prevx Home from or
use one of many other tools to block malicious software from entering
via IE. Even though many vulnerabilities have been fixed in SP2, IE is
still vulnerable to many classes of attack and is currently vulnerable
to a dangerous attack with known instances in the wild.
Any advice is appreciated,

I hope this is helpful. Help and Support has more good information on
multi-user setups. This overview has been necessarily brief, so post
followup questions to get more details.