Multiple users without interferring?

  • Thread starter Thread starter mglassco
  • Start date Start date


This is at my work and we have a publice drive we share our files off o
so thats not the issue, we actually have a very ruff draft working righ

We need to have a sign in log that anyone can post into and no
overlap eachother if they are signing in at the same time or it hasn
been saved. The way I have it now there are just too many errors and w
are loosing info and spending more time then we did when we were jus
passing around a clipboard. I have a copy of the document if tha

Any info on how multiple people can use one sheet without interferenc
would be great. The order they are listed is not a problem, we tim
stamp one of the boxes in each line so I can sort if needed.

Thansk in advance - Morga
You can simply share the file with an owner who approves any changes. Save
the file as a shared file. ANyone can edit it, but you (as owner) and approve
or reject any changes.

Under "Tools" (usually found right at the top of your screen) click "Share
Workbook", then on the "Editing" tab, check the box that has these words next
to it, "Allow chages by more than one user at a time. This also allows
workbook merging." Then click Okay at the bottom.

Now only you can allow changes, and you can track the culprits that are
screwing up the thing as well!

To monitor any changes, go to "Tools" again, click on "Track Changes", and
then "Accept or reject changes". When the Select Changes to Accept or Reject
window pops up, click OK to see any changes.

BTW, once you save it as a shared file, there are some changes you cannot
do, but I forget what they are. Just remember that if you try to do somehting
and get nowhere, you probably have to "unshare" the file , make the changes,
and then share it again.

Have fun!

The things is, I don't want it to be "Changes", what they really are is
additions. I am thinking of them as changes.

There are hundreds of lines or entrys added to this sheet eveyday and
I cannot be approving each change.

What is happening righ now is someone filled line 14 for example at
4:30 at 4:31 someone else and myself are now typing on line 15 nto
knowing the other is too (different parts of the office),

what I need for it to do is just assign one to line 15 and one to 16.
Whats happening is it is choosing one over the other. If I set it so I
approve all the changes that would mean I would be accepting everyones
elses changes and having to redo mine, I cannot be doing that all day.
Hmmmm... that's way more complcated than I thought it was.

It might be easier for each user to be REMINDED via email or phone or both
or whatever media just exactly what the correct procedure is when adding
lines to this worksheet. Up front education to the users and frequent
reminders might be easier than trying to moonitor what seems like an unruly

Maybe a solution would be having each user edit their own tab within the
worksheet, and have you as "owner" compile info from each tab so it goes
where it's supposed to.

Maybe there is a way to use a MACRO to assign each new addition a sequence
number or new line to track the additions. Maybe try posting this as a macro
needed question - but define what you need done carefull, number off
worksheets within the workbook, if cells, etc. are linked and all that.

If you have an IT department or Excel power user in your organization they
might help you solve this problem.

Is compiling the info the problem? Is it multiple users adding info that's
maybe right, maybe wrong? I don't understand exactly what your problem is, or
what you want done to correct it.

If you gave everybody here a better idea of what you are doing with this
worksheet it would probably help. Until I read your 2nd post, I had no idea
hundreds of lines or edits (of what?) are added each day. Please describe the
worksheet and it's contents. Is it text, numbers, formulas, all changes that
concern you? Sequence of changes and additions?

Maybe you should try re-posting this or asking for help in another way. I
think you need to describe the problem better to get a useful answer. Sorry I
don't know enough about Excel to propose a workable solution for you. Best of

mglassco said:
The things is, I don't want it to be "Changes", what they really are is
additions. I am thinking of them as changes.

There are hundreds of lines or entrys added to this sheet eveyday and
I cannot be approving each change.

What is happening righ now is someone filled line 14 for example at
4:30 at 4:31 someone else and myself are now typing on line 15 nto
knowing the other is too (different parts of the office),

what I need for it to do is just assign one to line 15 and one to 16.
Whats happening is it is choosing one over the other. If I set it so I
approve all the changes that would mean I would be accepting everyones
elses changes and having to redo mine, I cannot be doing that all day.
You may be using the wrong tool for the job. If you need multiple access
to the same data you might want to look at MS Access.

NB: you just quoted what you wrote before, and did not post any new or useful
information. PLEASE re-define what you want done.

If it's giving each new edit a serial number or something, please let us all

I suspect that a macro is your answer, but my macro knowledge is marginal.

I don't know if you can write a macro to assign each user of a shared file a
new line in each version of the file that is open at the same time on a
network of computers.

Please re-post your problem and please be specific about what you are doing,
and what others are doing. I assume the worksheet is posted on a shared
drive? Let us know that and all other relevant detials.


I created a sample file, if you were looking at the sheet

Sheet 1 is what we use now, what we do is just go to the next available
line and and add the next entry. I didnt actually go in and make it so
it is shared or anything I just copied some of the info from todays log
so far.

Sheet two is kinda an Idea I had, I think it would work better, it
would have the text boxes at the top and an enter button (they dont
work I just put them there for looks)

Then the rest of the sheet names are dates, at the end of each day, I
copy and paste the info from Sheet 1 into a new sheet and anme it that

Is there a way I can post this or is someone willing to look at it If I
emailed it to them?
Thansk - Morgan