Multiple users using the same form with subform

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I have a database that contains a form with a sub form in it. I am wanting
two employees to be able to work on and with this database on two different
computers at the same time, while any changes one makes on their computer is
kept up to date with the other's. Is there any way that I can do this or am
I fresh outta luck.
Two users should never be working in the same mdb at the same time. It sound
like you have your mdb on a server. You should do some research on splitting
the database. Then, a copy of the Front End database should be put on each
user's computer. You then need to configure it for multi-user use. The
subject is to lenghtly and complex to address here, but this is what you need
to do to avoid disaster. In the meantime, do frequent backups. You will
probably corrupt your database at some point in time.

Klatuu's warnings are on point if you have a single .mdb file located on a
server and being accessed over the network by more than one user at a time.

If you are saying that you have a split (front-end, back-end) application,
with a copy of the front-end on EACH user's PC, pointed at a single copy of
the back-end, located on a server, the only issue re: your question might be
whether both users are actually saving what they have on their screens.
Until the save, it won't be visible to the other user.

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>
True, Jeff; however, you still have the concurrency issues to deal with. If
user 1 and user 2 both pull up the same record and user 2 modifies and saves
it, when user 1 updates it, user 2's changes will be overwritten. You need
to have code that will detect that the record you are about to update has
changes and make decisions on what to do about those changes. This is the
complex part.
And more...

Depending on version, you could still end up with contention even if
different records were pulled up by two users, if the records fit on the
same "page" of data used by Access.

So, Jonny, what are the odds that the two users will be both calling up the
same record at the same time?

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>
Thanks for the help so far...So once I have split the database do I just
basically put the back end on SQL server and then save the front end on the
two users computers? And then once I do that am I good to go?
I don't recall hearing about SQL Server before. Are you planning to convert
your Access back-end file to a SQL-Server database?

The process of splitting the front-end from the back-end needs to include a
step in which the tables (now no longer physically present in the front-end)
are linked to from the front-end.

If you are converting from Access to SQL-Server for your data store, you
will have other issues to resolve. SQL-Server is not simply Access on

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>
Well boys thanks for your help, we got it all figured out based on the info
you gave and we really do appreciate it.

Thanks Again,