Multiple Users, Problem with 1 fao Allen Browne

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Hi Alle

Tried SP2 which unfortunately has not resolved. To answer your other queries
1. No it is not runtim
2. The combo is unbound field in Detail section of From. Can see full width and click on drop down arrow but get no records returned on this PC only. Only been identified as a problem on this combo so far but database is in a remote location and I have not tested this personally. The user only has to manage a small part of the database so does not use all element

3. Property settings are
- Row Source - SELECT DISTINCT [T_Company Details].[Company Name], [T_Company Details].Town, [T_Company Details].Country, [Company Name] & ", " & [Town] & ", " & [Country] AS [Select], [T_Company Details].[Company Code
FROM ([T_Company Details] INNER JOIN T_Invoices ON [T_Company Details].[Company Code] = T_Invoices.[Company Code]) INNER JOIN [T_Payment Schedule] ON T_Invoices.[Invoice ID] = [T_Payment Schedule].[Invoice ID
WHERE ((([T_Payment Schedule].[Date Due])<=Date()) AND (([T_Payment Schedule].[Invoice Sent to Client]) Is Not Null) AND (([T_Payment Schedule].[Invoice Cancelled]) Is Null)
ORDER BY [Company Name] & ", " & [Town] & ", " & [Country]

- Bound Column -
- Column COunt -
- Column Widths - 3 cm, 2cm, 3cm (because I only want the 1st 3 columns visible to user

I am not a VB expert as you have probably realised and this has been developed using query builder to write cod

DOes this make sense and can you see any obvious errors which may be causing error

Many thanks for your help

Kind Regard


First, let's just check we are not talking about a runtime version of Acces
created with the Developer's toolkit. There are special issues relating t
that on different o/s

Next, check service packs. Open Access on the problem machine, and choos
About Help menu. If you do not see "SP2" mentioned, visi, and download and apply the service pack

If the problem is stil present and occurs on only one combo in the entir
application, please provide more info about this box. Is it in the Detai
section of a form, or in the Form Header section? If you move the mouse t
the combo, are you able to select the width of what you expect to see, eve
though the text is not visible? Does it look like the issue describe
towards the end of this article

If that's not it, what are the property settings for its
- RowSourc
- Bound Colum
- Column Coun
- Column Width

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia
Tips for Access users -
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org

accessed by 5 users all using Access XP. 1 user is unable to view result
from a particular drop down listfull Office suite. Originally had Access v. 2 which has been uninstalled bu
may of course have residue in registry. In other words an old machine whil
all others are newI can't see a logical reason why this should be causing a problem with jus
1 drop down. Am I missing something here
The combo makes good sense.

It's RowSource asks for 5 columns, and Column Count is 5.
All 5 columns are from T_Company Details (I think).
The query returns companies that have an invoice with a payment schedule
due, sent to the client, and not cancelled.
The DISTINCT de-duplicates the clients, and so the bound column is [Company
Code] - probably the primary key. Perfectly logical.

The only thing that worries me is using the alias "Select" for a field, when
SELECT is a special word in queries.

Other than that, is this computer using a different data file? Is it
possible that their data does not have any matches to return? Is there a way
you could run the query in the query window and see if you get matches?

The query does make a call to the Date() function. Any chance the
installation has missing references? Get them to open an immediate window by
pressing Ctrl+G. Then have them choose References from the Tools menu, and
see if anything is marked "MISSING".

Reply to this thread to let us know how you go.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Sheila D said:
Hi Allen

Tried SP2 which unfortunately has not resolved. To answer your other queries:
1. No it is not runtime
2. The combo is unbound field in Detail section of From. Can see full
width and click on drop down arrow but get no records returned on this PC
only. Only been identified as a problem on this combo so far but database is
in a remote location and I have not tested this personally. The user only
has to manage a small part of the database so does not use all elements
3. Property settings are:
- Row Source - SELECT DISTINCT [T_Company Details].[Company Name],
[T_Company Details].Town, [T_Company Details].Country, [Company Name] & ", "
& [Town] & ", " & [Country] AS [Select], [T_Company Details].[Company Code]
FROM ([T_Company Details] INNER JOIN T_Invoices ON [T_Company
Details].[Company Code] = T_Invoices.[Company Code]) INNER JOIN [T_Payment
Schedule] ON T_Invoices.[Invoice ID] = [T_Payment Schedule].[Invoice ID]
WHERE ((([T_Payment Schedule].[Date Due])<=Date()) AND (([T_Payment
Schedule].[Invoice Sent to Client]) Is Not Null) AND (([T_Payment
Schedule].[Invoice Cancelled]) Is Null))
ORDER BY [Company Name] & ", " & [Town] & ", " & [Country];

- Bound Column - 5
- Column COunt - 5
- Column Widths - 3 cm, 2cm, 3cm (because I only want the 1st 3 columns visible to user)

I am not a VB expert as you have probably realised and this has been
developed using query builder to write code