I suspect if you placed other databases in that same directory, and try this
again, you'd get the same results.
Is likely one of two problems:
1) you have the databae setup to be open exclusive. open up the database,
go tools->options->advanced tab.
Make sure the option to open the database is shared, and not exclusive.
2) the user or opening that folder does not have file create rights. as a
general rule, users accessing files in that folder will need full file
creation rights, and also as a general rule deletion rights. If MS access
cannot create some temper were a working files in that directory that it
needs for multi user operation, then MS access will switch into single user
mode. as a result most people say that they have all kinds permissions set
for that particular folder, but the windows permissions must allow the
creation of files in that shared dir.
Check both of the above.
also note that as a general rule if you're going to allow a multiple users
into a database at the same time, then you really need to split your
database, this concept of splitting, is explained here:
Note that the above article tells you not only that you should split, but
also explains conceptually why it is a good idea to split.