A title master is always associated with a single slide master. When in
slide master view, I right click each slide master thumbnail and select
Rename Master. I give them names that are meaningful to me. Then I do the
same with the title masters. As a simple example, you can name the slide
master "Group1Slide" and the title master "Group1Title".
If you want, you can right click the Group1Title master, click on Copy, and
then paste it to the Group2Slide, Group3Slide, etc. and rename the new
title masters appropriately. However, if you just want to use the same
title master for all groups, just use the Group1Title master. It makes it a
lot easier to maintain.
Remember, you can use any master within the template for any slide, so if
all title slides must look alike, you can have a single title master and
multiple slide masters.
Sonia, MS PowerPoint MVP Team
Autorun CD software, templates, and tutorials
Anne said:
Hi. I am working on a new slide master that is divided into groups - 5 in
all. For this purpose I need to be able to use the title master for each
group. How do I incorporate this in the master so that the title masters are
also displayed in slide design and can be selected? Also is it possible to
link two slides per title master? Hope that somebody can help, thanks. Anne