You are right. I thought that there might have been something, like you
cannot have two timers. Here is the code.
Module 1 is the one that controls the .1 second timer:
Option Explicit
Public Cages(12, 5) As Integer
'API Declarations
Declare Function SetTimer Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIDEvent As Long, _
ByVal uElapse As Long, ByVal lpTimerFunc As
Long) As Long
Declare Function KillTimer Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIDEvent As Long)
As Long
' Public Variables
Public ID As Long 'Id of the timer
Public tSeconds As Single 'Number of seconds for the timer to count
Public TmrEnabled As Boolean 'Timer has been created
Public SlideNo As Integer
Public SlideName As String
Function TimerStartStop() As Boolean
'Turn the timer on/off
Dim rc As Boolean 'Return code
rc = True 'Initialize the return code
'If the timer is stopped then start it
If Not TmrEnabled Then
'Start the timer
'tSeconds = 2 'Determine the timer rate in seconds
'Start the timer (timer counts in miliseconds)
ID = SetTimer(0, 0, tSeconds * 1000, AddressOf Timer)
MsgBox "Set ID=" & ID
'Error in starting timer
If ID = 0 Then
MsgBox "Unable to create the timer", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error"
rc = False
TmrEnabled = True 'Set timer started flag
End If
'Stop the timer
ID = KillTimer(0, ID) 'Stop this timer
MsgBox "Kill ID=" & ID
'Not successful
If ID = 0 Then
MsgBox "Unable to stop the timer", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error"
rc = False
End If
TmrEnabled = False 'Reset state
End If
TimerStartStop = rc 'Return status
End Function
Sub Timer(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, _
ByVal idEvent As Long, ByVal dwTime As Long)
If frmMouse1.Page = 5 Then
frmMouse1.lblDblClick.Visible = False
End If
If frmMouse1.Page = 4 Or frmMouse1.Page = 6 Or frmMouse1.Page = 7 Then
frmMouse1.lbltime.Caption = Val(frmMouse1.lbltime.Caption) + 0.1 &
" sec."
End If
End Sub
The second module controls the display of the time.
Option Explicit
' Public Variables
Public ID2 As Long 'Id of the timer
Public tSeconds2 As Integer 'Number of seconds for the timer to count
Public Enabled2 As Boolean 'Timer has been created
Public SlideNo2 'The slide number
Public currentSlide As Slide 'The slide
Function Timer2StartStop() As Boolean
'Turn the timer on/off
Dim rc As Boolean 'Return code
rc = True 'Initialize the return code
'If the timer is stopped then start it
If Not Enabled2 Then
'Start the timer
tSeconds2 = 1 'Determine the timer rate in seconds
'Start the timer (timer counts in miliseconds)
ID2 = SetTimer(0, 0, tSeconds2 * 1000, AddressOf Timer2)
MsgBox "Set ID2=" & ID2 'Added to check the id when created
'Error in starting timer
If ID2 = 0 Then
MsgBox "Unable to create the timer", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error"
rc = False
'Show time
SlideNo2 = SlideShowWindows(1).View.Slide.SlideIndex 'Get the
slide number
Set currentSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides(SlideNo2) 'Get the
'Display the time on the current slide
currentSlide.Shapes("btnClock").OLEFormat.Object.Caption = Time
'Update the time
Enabled2 = True 'Set timer started flag
End If
'Stop the timer
ID2 = KillTimer(0, ID2) 'Stop this timer
MsgBox "Kill ID2=" & ID2 'Added to show when the timer stops
'Not successful
If ID2 = 0 Then
MsgBox "Unable to stop the timer", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error"
rc = False
End If
Enabled2 = False 'Reset state
End If
Timer2StartStop = rc 'Return status
End Function
Sub Timer2(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, _
ByVal idEvent As Long, ByVal dwTime As Long)
Dim rc As Boolean
On Error GoTo badone
'This is the OnTimer VB event
'Once the timer has been created, this subroutine will be called
'each time the timer time elapses
SlideNo2 = SlideShowWindows(1).View.Slide.SlideIndex 'Get the slide
Set currentSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides(SlideNo2) 'Get the slide
'Display the time on the current slide
currentSlide.Shapes("btnClock").OLEFormat.Object.Caption = Time
'Update the time
Exit Sub
'When the presentation ends it triggers an error.
'This will just stop the timer
rc = Timer2StartStop()
End Sub
I have made the names unique for each timer.
It seems that the Timer2 is being triggered multiple times, but the
msgbox does not show these events.
If anyone wishes I will send the entire presentation, however I think
the problem is here.
Again, thanks
John Crawford