Multiple Task needed in Excel



How to do the following Tasks in Excel?
On Worksheet 1 cell A1 I have to Key in the lot number. At cell B1 I want to
auto import the dimension from Text file (in fixed pattern) created from
Measuring equipment based on the lot number in cell A1.
Lets say after keying the 10th lot number in cell A10 and there will be
automatic import of 10 dimension from B1 to B10, I want to find the average
of the dimension from B1 to B10 at cell B11. The cell B11 data will be
updated at another workbook for shipment. How to perform all this in a single


Assuming you have a data sheet that equates dimension to lot number, then you
would use a vlookup or other lookup function to return the dimension


in B11


Thanks. But under the Vlookup Table array, I can only select 1 worksheet from
the workbook. Is it possible to have all the sheets selected?

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