Multiple Tables Group Append Query




I have a database with all of my friends and family. I
have one table called NAMES, where I store First Name,
Last Name, age, etc. This table has a unique ID.

I also have two other tables, PHONE and ADDRESS, where I
can store multiple phone numbers and addresses. Both
tables have a one to many relationship with NAMES.

I'm trying to write a query that will list all of the
NAMES data, and then the associated PHONES and ADDRESS
data into one new field, in a new table called GROUPNAMES
using an append query.

I can easily do this with a report, using subreports.
However, I can't seem to write query that will group all
the NAMES data and it's associated PHONES & ADDRESSES
into one new field.

My GROUPNAMES table has two fields, ID and ALLNAMES.
Basically I want to populate the table with an append
query and group all of my data together.

My PHONE and ADDRESS tables have anywhere from 1 to 7
phone numbers and/or addresses for each of my friends.

Any help is appreciated! Thanks.


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