Multiple tables 1 report

  • Thread starter Thread starter Homer
  • Start date Start date


I have a need to include 5 different tables in one report. I created a query
but it would not allow multiple links in one query, so I created multiple
queries useing the preveious query with the next table. It worked good till I
added the last query to include the last table. This query will not populate,
as if there is a limit to how many times this can be done. What would be the
best way to include this many tables into one report? I thought maybe sub
reports, but this would limit how the report is organized. Any Thoughts?
Try to create a union query that will open them. You will have to set the
Relational field as the primary. Please send a little more info on the query.
also tell what is the relationship.
I've often stacked queries on queries on queries etc especially when I want
multiple left joins
(Show all the customers, even if they haven't got an order, show all the
items even if no-one has ordered them. Put the lot into a crosstab showing
all the months in the column header even if no-one has placed any orders on
some months). Those left joins get very picky about what other links you can
do when they are present. I've not come across a 'stacking' restriction yet.

Is it that you have lots of joint primary keys and they are now causing
problems or are the tables not linked by a common field?

To the both of you, I appreciate your interest to help. The questions and
statements you made had me looking at it in a different light and I realized
I had the join properties wrong in the query. After fixing this everything
worked. Thanks agian. (sometimes we just need a break!)