Yes, I want to run the queries automatically. I've written a long SQL script
that calls up all the queries. They're not saved as individual queries, so I
don't want to use a macro where I'd have to use OpenQuery, which means I'd
have to save each query individually and then put each one into a macro.
That's what I was trying to avoid. I wanted to be able to just run the script
as if I was using SQL Server. Is there a way to do that in VB? Do I have to
load the queries as a string?
What I'm doing now is opening a query window in SQL mode, copying the query
text from Word, pasting it into the query window, running the query, then
going on the next query in Word. I was hoping I could just load them all into
one query window and running the whole thing, but I discovered that a query
window can only handle one query at a time.