multiple split box's or freeze panes

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Gallo
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John Gallo


Any Excel wizards out there?

I dig the split box and freeze frame functions, but they
are apparently limited. Is there any way to keep four or
so rows at the top of the spreadsheet, and ALSO keep four
or so rows (the "totals") at the bottom? I.e. if we could
do a freeze frame for the top rows and a split box for the
bottow, it would work. But it seems that once you do one,
you cannot do the other. Are there any plug ins or tricks
to this?


I don't know of any plug-ins or tricks that can do this, but you can
choose New Window from the window menu and position the windows one
above the other.

The windows won't scroll together, though you could accomplish that
using VBA event macros.
Thanks J.E.

Its a good idea, although I don't know VBA. I doubt it
is straightforward.

I guess I'll just put the totals up at the top, underneath
the headings. not very good way to present the info, but
I guess it works.

Hi J.E.

Actually, cancel that last message. I am going to try to
give it a shot. But I can't find the "event macros"
section in the VBA editor. Can you give me a tip on how
to get started?

