Open FP
File | Open Site
Open ONLY website1
does it show you any elements of website2 ??? if it doesn't:
File | Publish Site (don't use the quick Publish Button on the toolbar)
enter the destination site
Publish ok ok ok.
Try that.
Also, you may have to open the website(s) live and sort through the mess
first is website1 and website2's files are indeed comingled...which may be a
ton of fun if it's a big site.
Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression
| The second website folder was not a web folder, I changed it as stated.
| again, they are both still writting on both sites. I went thru 'My
| to the folders and the first folder didnt show as web folder but did in
| changed it to a folder then back to web folder. both now say they are a
| folder and are still writting to both sites. the folder that both are in
| also a web folder. I took out wesite 2 out of that folder and tried it and
| still get same results, they write to both websites. any other ideas?