Multiple screens

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nick
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I have an compaq evo notebook and a LCD screen plugged
into my docking station. I use Windows 2000

I am trying to make an extended workspace across the two
but I can only clone the two.

The evo uses a Mobility Radeon 7500 which should handle
multiple screens.

Any ideas?

I'm not sure whether I need two graphic cards - is there a
graphics card in a docking station?

Any help would be much appreciated
Multiple screens is supported via software and or hardware. Mobile radeon as
far as I'm aware only supports Cloneing.
Std Radeon, that support multiple screens, are supplied with
Hydrovision software to support this.
To extend the desktop you need two and more video adapters or multi-headed
adapter and additional monitor(s). Virtual Desktops may emulate the
environment and provide more working space on the same monitor.
Common port replicators and docks just pass-through video signal and may
have a few expansion slots, but modern models can be already equipped with
video adapter and DVI and VGA ports.