multiple records on the same form

  • Thread starter Thread starter boggle-eyed
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I Have created a form f_hours that has multiple records of different types, i
am a paramedic for a large metropolitan city, the data i enter is shift code,
shift start date, vehicle used, partner (if i am not solo deployed) these
values i obtain from comboboxes i have also created.
The problem I have is that when i am activated to an incident i am given
details of the job, referenced by a PATIENT REPORT FORM (PRF), The first part
of this is a seven digit number which i thought i could useas an ID on a
seperate table t_ jobs and so placed 7 control boxes on f_hours for
activations one to seven, entering prf numbers 1 to 7. is there a code that
will automatically scroll through the seven control boxes and open up seven
instances of f_jobs for me to complete the rest of the required data entry
into these forms, can it also be set to ensure that if incase of a vehicle
breakdown and i not getting attivated seven times look for a null entry thus
stopping and by the same token be expanded to look for more than seven
activations which using t_hours ID of hoID to link to t_more where i can link
the extra activations to the rest of the shift details.
I know that you are going to ask me why if i am going to enter the extra
activations on a seperate table why dont i just use three tables from the
start, and link them. i wish to use my pda whilst at work to email an update
back, and can only see this working if i just have one form, hence the seven
activations i would use more but they wouldnt fit on my form and still make
it user friendly its already cramped
being a newbie i would also be grateful if you could break the code down for
me like klatuu did for LA layer in his third reply to the post "navigation to
a specific record" dated 10/1/2009
sorry its long winded, thanks for any assistance in advance.
thank you bruce for replying and for the links, it has taken me some time to
go through them and i have found some useful tips, valueable knowledge and
some ideas on where/what i will try next in my attempt to solve my problem.

sorry it has taken me sometime, in replying but i didnt want to hassle
anyone here if i could find the answer within the links. sadly if there was a
direct answer amongst them i missed it, not knowing what i was looking at.

going to try an on comment, if me.newrecord, open form approach to solving

in reply to your questions.
yes it is for my own use, although two of my collegues have asked if they
could also have copies of the database, blank for their own records if i ever
get it completed.

no there is no relationship to the seven digit number (prf-patient report
number) this is a automatically assigned number generated by my dispatchers
to identify incidents. i am hoping to enter the shift details: date, time,
vehicle used, partner, stand by point operating from, along with my incidents
(prf's) on a single form

the incident specifics (four more different forms) would then be entered on
seperate forms using these prf numbers as id's. then dependng upon specifics
i might require to enter these details again on further forms

i have a number of combo boxes for the various other forms i will need,
including one for "interventions" which is anything i do to alter an
observation, observation = no pulse or respiritory effort, intervention would
be advance life support, iv access, intubation and relivant drug therapy. so
the interventions are in there own table, what i was hoping to do was not
open the seven forms simultaneously but instead have the relevant forms open
up for me to enter the rest of the data in to the data base.

basically i have three small databases one concerning various aspects of
physical resources, stations, hospitals, vehicles, collegues, and various
other aspects concerning my shift details.

one concerns the incident, how it was passed to me, what the actual end user
presented with, what i did about it, did this solve, part solve if so how,
what/where we took them, what the end result was.

the third is more complex to begin to describe but covers aspects of how we
communicated, health and safety issues, diversity and respect, issues and
various policy and procedures (non medical) adhered to.

the only link across the three small databases is the prf number, the first
instance i will enter this number is on the shift detailing form "f_jobs"
along with any other incident i am dispatched on i.e. why i said seven the
average i attend, ideally if i could then have the other forms automatically
but one at a time load up so that i am not opening and closing forms from the
various three small daatabases

hope you are not more confused now than when you first answered me.

thanks again for your post