Multiple record entry at a time on a form

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I want to use a form to populate an adjustments table. But, I need to enter
multiple records at once, so that the net sum of a certain numerical field in
the adjustments will be $0, and all entered records will be populated to the
table and the form reset to blank on the save command. How do I do this?

I think you could use a form formatted as either a datasheet (but these are
a bit wired sometimes if you’re not use to them) or you could format your
form as a “continuous formâ€. This would allow you to look at many forms at
the same time (depending on size).

Not really sure about the next bit as you say you want the form to reset to
If you want I suppose you could create a save button with the added new
record action.

Private Sub ButtonName_Click()
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
End Sub

Bit strange that – never heard of anyone wanting to do both at the same time
before. Oh well life is a learning experience.

Hope this was helpful
It's time to come into the 21st century Wayne. The DoMenuItems were last
used in A95. That's 11 years ago. At some point, they could easily
disappear. You should switch your code to the appropriate RunCommands.

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
One way to do this is to use a work table. Adjustments are added to the
work table until the set is complete. They you can run an append query to
append the adjustments to the permanent table and a delete table to delete
them from the work table.