Hello Jeanette,
I found out about the continuous form, and this is much easier than
working SQL to accomplish something that is already done by the program.
have 12 entries and now one date field is at the header and possibly a
division number. Can i have one entry text box in the header that would
apply to the rest of the page. And can I have a the same header for each
printable page. As I may have said before I am trying to recreate a
form. The form would work the same way as a payroll form on paper but now
they could print out the form neatly and have all the entries typed into
spaces provided. Also the form would be connected to a table so that when
this form begins to get used, the entries would would get saved into this
table, maybe a table for each divison and queries and reports could be
with the table. I am trying to upgrade a paper system with an access adp
system. Thanks for you patience
Jeanette Cunningham said:
I would expect that your table would have a DateField and an SSN field.
When you open the table and look at the data, there would be one field
all the dates and a second field with all the SSN's.
After re-reading your posts, I am wondering if your table has one
and 12 SSN fields. If your table is set up this way, this would explain
difficulty with updating the SSN numbers. Please let me know.
Jeanette Cunningham
Graffyn said:
I believe i have to intregrate this syntax but not sure how:
Multiple-record append query:
INSERT INTO target [(field1[, field2[, ...]])] [IN externaldatabase]
SELECT [source.]field1[, field2[, ...]
FROM tableexpression
This is what I have:
a = Me.DateField.Text
b = Me.SSN1.Text
c = Me.SSN2.Text
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO PayrollTable (Date, SSN) SELECT
[Me.]DateField[,SSN1] FROM PayrollForm "
'This should be record one
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO PayrollTable (Date, SSN) SELECT
[Me.]DateField[,SSN2] FROM PayrollForm "
'this should be record two
I am attempting to send more than one record with one form to the
and I
can't seem to get INSERT ... VALUES to enter records separately and
boxes have different names but the same Control Source so when i
number all the fields update with the same number when i want each
have different numbers... You help is very appreciated