Multiple *.pst files in "All Mail Folders"

  • Thread starter Thread starter John A Hansen
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John A Hansen

Dear All:

I have multiple *.pst files that have been created over the
last 10 years. Most are still on the old 2000 format ie
not the new 2003 format. Some relate to specific projects
and others relate to series of companies etc etc. They
were all under the former 2 gig limits in size for pst files.

I would like to have those files available in the " All Mail Folders"
section in Outlook 2003. However, I get an "out of resources"
when I bring those files into the folder area and try
to open a pst file to read an email or deposit a new email in that
file/folder. (abc.pst)
The available memory in the systems is still over 1.5 gig when
I check the system resources.

Do I need :
a: import vs open file
b: keep the file in the old format ( OL 2000)
since OL 2003 is not compatible with OL 2000.

Any guidance or suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Best Regards
John A Hansen
Why would you use separate PST files for this instead of separate Folders in
one PST file?
Niether Import/Export should be used on a pst
Within OL, Open the pst
How many are you opening?
Dear Sir:

Could be as many as 30 with a total of about 70 gig.
Hence I open them as needed and then close after
the period of use is completed.

I tried to open the *.pst in the "personal Folders" folder.
After about 3-4 *.pst files are opened.. then I get the
"out of resources" error message. I then have to remove
them in order to proceed.

John A Hansen
Dear Russ:

I do this because the total exceeds the limit of the one pst file.

I can then use the several pst files as necessary and close the
ones that are completed ( for the time being) ( 3-6 months)
This all worked fine in OL 2000 and has just shown up
now in OL 2003.

Best Regards
John A Hansen

Russ Valentine said:
Why would you use separate PST files for this instead of separate Folders
in one PST file?
Russ Valentine
John A Hansen said:
Dear All:

I have multiple *.pst files that have been created over the
last 10 years. Most are still on the old 2000 format ie
not the new 2003 format. Some relate to specific projects
and others relate to series of companies etc etc. They
were all under the former 2 gig limits in size for pst files.

I would like to have those files available in the " All Mail Folders"
section in Outlook 2003. However, I get an "out of resources"
when I bring those files into the folder area and try
to open a pst file to read an email or deposit a new email in that
file/folder. (abc.pst)
The available memory in the systems is still over 1.5 gig when
I check the system resources.

Do I need :
a: import vs open file
b: keep the file in the old format ( OL 2000)
since OL 2003 is not compatible with OL 2000.

Any guidance or suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Best Regards
John A Hansen
Your claim then is that you need immediate access to more than 10G of emails
in your profile? You cannot archive? How very unusual. My question remains
unanswered, however. You aren't even close to the limit of a UNICODE PST
file. Why must you use separate PST files?
Russ Valentine
John A Hansen said:
Dear Russ:

I do this because the total exceeds the limit of the one pst file.

I can then use the several pst files as necessary and close the
ones that are completed ( for the time being) ( 3-6 months)
This all worked fine in OL 2000 and has just shown up
now in OL 2003.

Best Regards
John A Hansen

Russ Valentine said:
Why would you use separate PST files for this instead of separate Folders
in one PST file?
Russ Valentine
John A Hansen said:
Dear All:

I have multiple *.pst files that have been created over the
last 10 years. Most are still on the old 2000 format ie
not the new 2003 format. Some relate to specific projects
and others relate to series of companies etc etc. They
were all under the former 2 gig limits in size for pst files.

I would like to have those files available in the " All Mail Folders"
section in Outlook 2003. However, I get an "out of resources"
when I bring those files into the folder area and try
to open a pst file to read an email or deposit a new email in that
file/folder. (abc.pst)
The available memory in the systems is still over 1.5 gig when
I check the system resources.

Do I need :
a: import vs open file
b: keep the file in the old format ( OL 2000)
since OL 2003 is not compatible with OL 2000.

Any guidance or suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Best Regards
John A Hansen

Perhaps you can enlighten me on the limit of the pst files?
I said that the total of the pst files is 70 Gig. By breaking
them into separate pst files it becomes easier to manage
than just one big file.

Basically I'm using an archive method now.
a: retrive a project file
b: store ( close the file) when finished)

You're suggesting that I bring in each *.pst file and then
move all those folders into one large pst file? Will OL 2003
then convert the OL 2000 folders to Unicode?

Best Regards
John A Hansen

Russ Valentine said:
Your claim then is that you need immediate access to more than 10G of
emails in your profile? You cannot archive? How very unusual. My question
remains unanswered, however. You aren't even close to the limit of a
UNICODE PST file. Why must you use separate PST files?
Russ Valentine
John A Hansen said:
Dear Russ:

I do this because the total exceeds the limit of the one pst file.

I can then use the several pst files as necessary and close the
ones that are completed ( for the time being) ( 3-6 months)
This all worked fine in OL 2000 and has just shown up
now in OL 2003.

Best Regards
John A Hansen
No. You never mentioned that you need immediate access to 70 Gig worth of
emails in one profile. That is a very unusual requirement for which Outlook
was not designed. I've never seen anyone who needed that.
Russ Valentine
John A Hansen said:

Perhaps you can enlighten me on the limit of the pst files?
I said that the total of the pst files is 70 Gig. By breaking
them into separate pst files it becomes easier to manage
than just one big file.

Basically I'm using an archive method now.
a: retrive a project file
b: store ( close the file) when finished)

You're suggesting that I bring in each *.pst file and then
move all those folders into one large pst file? Will OL 2003
then convert the OL 2000 folders to Unicode?

Best Regards
John A Hansen

Russ Valentine said:
Your claim then is that you need immediate access to more than 10G of
emails in your profile? You cannot archive? How very unusual. My question
remains unanswered, however. You aren't even close to the limit of a
UNICODE PST file. Why must you use separate PST files?
Russ Valentine
John A Hansen said:
Dear Russ:

I do this because the total exceeds the limit of the one pst file.

I can then use the several pst files as necessary and close the
ones that are completed ( for the time being) ( 3-6 months)
This all worked fine in OL 2000 and has just shown up
now in OL 2003.

Best Regards
John A Hansen
I have to confess whilst I have 6 pst's open they are nowhere near the
combined size of yours, which is possibly why you are experiencing probs.