I have demographic data and want to use Access to work out % of males,
% of females, % in various age groups, % in various ethnic groups,
etc. Is there an easy way to do this without having to create a query
for each group, please?
Your easiest route is likely to be to use Aggregate Domain Functions.
Here is an example of using them:
CustomerID AutoNumber
CustomerFirstName Text
CustomerLastName Text
Ethnicity Text
Gender Text
CustomerID CustomerFirstName CustomerLastName Ethnicity Gender
1 Jan Schmidt German Null (i.e., blank)
2 Daniel van Duyne Dutch Male
3 Sally Ouillette Null Female
4 Adolph Mavis German Male
5 Greta Richter German Female
6 Dreia Geist German Female
SELECT DCount("*","tblCustomers","Gender IS NOT NULL") AS
DCount("*","tblCustomers","Ethnicity IS NOT NULL") AS
Int(10*CDbl(IIf(GenderedCustomers >
GenderedCustomers,50))+0.5)/10 AS PercentMaleCustomers,
100-PercentMaleCustomers AS PercentFemaleCustomers,
Int(10*CDbl(IIf(EthnicizedCustomers >
EthnicizedCustomers,0))+0.5)/10 AS PercentGermanCustomers
FROM tblCustomers
WHERE CustomerID = 1;
GenderedCustomers EthnicizedCustomers PercentMaleCustomers
PercentFemaleCustomers PercentGermanCustomers
5 5 40 60 80
Note: The expression Int(10 * x + 0.5) / 10.0 is used to round x to
the nearest tenth, with numbers ending in .05, .15, etc. chopped to .
0, .1, etc. so that percentages like 33.3333333333333 do not show up.
No customers is assumed to result in 50 percent male and 50 percent

. No customers is also assumed to result in 0 percent
German customers.
The CustomerID = 1 should use the first CustomerID in the table rather
than 1. That was used so because only one record from tblCustomers
needed to be selected because only aggregates were shown. The SQL
shown is only an example that handles the most common error causing
situations. If the query results are going to a report, then report
grouping can be used instead to aggregate the data.
James A. Fortune
(e-mail address removed)
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