multiple not broadcasted SSID

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Hi everybody, is there anyone who knows if Windows XP SP2 has any problems to
find two wireless network with a broadcasted SSID and the other not? I
configures them in the properties of the wireless network but the non
broadcasted SSID takes always the precedence
xp's built-in wireless zero config has a known "feature" where multiple
ssid's w/ the same name (broadcasted or not) appear as only 1 entry in the
"show wireless networks" - this can cause lots of headaches in a typical
neighborhood where all your nearby houses have a default cable setup -
they're all called "linksys" or "default" or "customer-id", and show as
only a single entry each. it'll bounce around between them as their signal
strength varies.

if you have a linksys gateway, use the provided linksys tool (ie install
the drviers from the cd), and do not check the "use windows to manage..."
checkbox. this tool lists each one individually, and won't wander about.

if you're setting up an AP, change its name to something unique, but not
personally identifiable (like "TheSmiths"; try "GreenHaven" instead).
Disabling the ssid broadcast isn't really necessary, it's not that hard
for a hacker to get it even if you do. and use WPA if you can.