multiple names to a field using list box

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Ok, i have a mulitple selection listbox, i want to store the selected values
into one field with each value seperated by a comma in the field. Im not
interested about how it is not good practice and how it is not good to do. I
just want this feature on my form, i have no knowledge of VBA, so if somehow
has the know how to do it. Can you please help me and provide the code for me?
Ok, i have a mulitple selection listbox, i want to store the selected values
into one field with each value seperated by a comma in the field. Im not
interested about how it is not good practice and how it is not good to do. I
just want this feature on my form, i have no knowledge of VBA, so if somehow
has the know how to do it. Can you please help me and provide the code for me?

A multiselect listbox exposes the .ItemsSelected property, so you can do this:

Dim v As Variant
Dim sData as string

For each v in YourLIstbox.ItemsSelected
sData = YourListBox.ItemsSelected(v) & "," sData
Next v

sData = left(sDAta, Len(sData)-1)

CurrentProject.Connection.Execute "UPDATE SomeTable SET YourMultiValueField='" & sData & "' WHERE SomeIDField=" &

I realize you don't want to hear about storing multiple values in a field, but it's wrong, wrong, wrong ... there is no
easy way to search this field, and a 1-M relationship should be stored in separate tables ... but if ya wanna hose up
your data, be my guest!!

Scott McDaniel