Have migrated my NT4 domain to Win2k AD some months ago.
I have removed all NT4 servers and converted the AD to
native mode.
The problem is that my security logs on both domain
controllers are "spammed" with logon and logoff events. I
get about 20-30 events pr. minute. Thers about 35
machines, so thers not suppose to be such logon and logof
trafic. Sometimes the events shows user logins and
logoffs, sometimes machine (name$) activity. Other times
thers some Annoymous Logon/logoff events. There can be
multiple logon/logoff events pr. user/machine within a
couple of seconds. I did not have this problem on the NT4
Can it be a problem in the server setup? Can my switches
be the problem (two 3Com SuperStack 3300 stacked). I
would be werry grateful for all help!
René S. Hop
I have removed all NT4 servers and converted the AD to
native mode.
The problem is that my security logs on both domain
controllers are "spammed" with logon and logoff events. I
get about 20-30 events pr. minute. Thers about 35
machines, so thers not suppose to be such logon and logof
trafic. Sometimes the events shows user logins and
logoffs, sometimes machine (name$) activity. Other times
thers some Annoymous Logon/logoff events. There can be
multiple logon/logoff events pr. user/machine within a
couple of seconds. I did not have this problem on the NT4
Can it be a problem in the server setup? Can my switches
be the problem (two 3Com SuperStack 3300 stacked). I
would be werry grateful for all help!
René S. Hop