Multiple logon and logofs on domain controllers

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Have migrated my NT4 domain to Win2k AD some months ago.
I have removed all NT4 servers and converted the AD to
native mode.

The problem is that my security logs on both domain
controllers are "spammed" with logon and logoff events. I
get about 20-30 events pr. minute. Thers about 35
machines, so thers not suppose to be such logon and logof
trafic. Sometimes the events shows user logins and
logoffs, sometimes machine (name$) activity. Other times
thers some Annoymous Logon/logoff events. There can be
multiple logon/logoff events pr. user/machine within a
couple of seconds. I did not have this problem on the NT4

Can it be a problem in the server setup? Can my switches
be the problem (two 3Com SuperStack 3300 stacked). I
would be werry grateful for all help!

René S. Hop

Logonm and logoff activity does not include just users, it also can be
related to machines and service accounts. In those cases, each time a
network resource is touched a logon occurrs becuase we need to authenticate
access to the resource.

Services starting also generates a logon.

I think that this may be what you are seeing.

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