In certain folders I have text files that I link to. Your
mission if you should except, help me figure out how I am
to take all this data from multiple linked files and store
them in one table (for obvious reasons of course). Another
problem is that each file has the same fields, just stores
different data (because the files come from an export of
3rd party software) otherwise I could use a query.
An example of 2 different text files:
File1.txt File2.txt
EmpID, FName, LName EmpID, FName, LName
1, Tom, Jones 1, Joe, Smoe
hopefully that shows you my conflict. Any comments or
suggestions are most welcome.
mission if you should except, help me figure out how I am
to take all this data from multiple linked files and store
them in one table (for obvious reasons of course). Another
problem is that each file has the same fields, just stores
different data (because the files come from an export of
3rd party software) otherwise I could use a query.
An example of 2 different text files:
File1.txt File2.txt
EmpID, FName, LName EmpID, FName, LName
1, Tom, Jones 1, Joe, Smoe
hopefully that shows you my conflict. Any comments or
suggestions are most welcome.