Multiple ip's



I have 3 ip's from comcast. Two are on the same subnet the third is not!!!!!
My XP machines share just fine they are on the same subnet but my Vista
machine is on a different subnet......Can I get all three machines to share?

Barb Bowman

You REALLY should buy a router. The file sharing traffic with
multiple IP's travels all the way up to the head end and back. DHCP
gives out whatever addresses are provisioned on the CMTS, which can
and usually are from different scopes.

You are better protected with a router as well.

I have 3 ip's from comcast. Two are on the same subnet the third is not!!!!!
My XP machines share just fine they are on the same subnet but my Vista
machine is on a different subnet......Can I get all three machines to share?

Barb Bowman

Jack \(MVP-Networking\).

Your computers are directly on the Internet with external IPs, and you
I guess that the World is your Oyster. ;)
Jack (MVP-Networking).

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