Multiple "IF" statements every cell in range



I have a column (B) and every cell from B4 to B4444 I wish to insert
multiple IF statements life the following:

If I type "gm" (no quotes) into any cell from B4 to B4444, i wish for
excel to change it to "General Motors"
If I type "am" (no quotes) into any cell from B4 to B4444, i wish for
excel to change it to "American Motors"
If I type "ha" (no quotes) into any cell from B4 to B4444, i wish for
excel to change it to "Honda America"
If theres any other text typed into the cell, excel leaves as is.

Any tips?

Norman Jones

Hi Cbrd,


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range, rng1 As Range
Dim rcell As Range

Set rng = Intersect(Target, Me.Range("B4:B4444"))

If Not rng Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
For Each rcell In rng.Cells
With rcell
Select Case LCase(.Value)
Case "gm": .Value = "General Motors"
Case "am": .Value = "American Motors"
Case "ha": .Value = "Honda America"
End Select
End With
Next rcell
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub


This is worksheet event code and should be pasted into the worksheets's code
module (not a standard module and not the workbook's ThisWorkbook module):

Right-click the worksheet's tab
Select 'View Code' from the menu and paste the code.
Alt-F11 to return to Excel.

Tom Ogilvy

right click on the sheet tab and select view code. In the resulting module
put in code like

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim sStr as String
If Target.count > 1 then exit sub
if not intersect(Target,Range("B4:B4444")) is Nothing then
sStr = Trim(lcase(Target.Value))
if len(sStr) <> 2 then exit sub
on Error goto ErrHandler
Application.EnableEvents = False
Select Case sStr
case "gm"
Target.Value = "General Motors"
case "am"
Target.Value = "American Motors"
case "ha"
Target.Value = "Honda America"
End Select
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

if you don't want the test to be case insensitive, change

sStr = Trim(lcase(Target.Value))


sStr = Trim(Target.Value)


The other option that you could try would be
Tools-->Options-->Spelling-->AutoCorrect then fill the items into the
replace box. No code has to be entered, and it would happen instantly.

Chris M.

Bernie Deitrick

You could use Tools / Autocorrect Options.... AutoCorrect tab, Check "Replace text as you type"
to change "gm" to "General Motors", etc.

However, I would use "amm" instead of "am", since you might possibly want to use the word "am" in
some other entry without having it change to American Motors.

MS Excel MVP

Tom Ogilvy

That is certainly an option if you don't mind it working anywhere in any
cell in excel (and probably want to change the string combinations to
something very unique).

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