Multiple IF function

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anthony
  • Start date Start date



I'm trying to create a Life Insurance Calculator within Excel. I've already
done a VLOOKUP to get the Relevant Premium Rate, but now I need to be able to
reference back to them given the option. The four options available are:
1. Male Non-Smoker
2. Male Smoker
3. Female Non-Smoker
4. Female Smoker

For example:
1. If Male AND a Non-Smoker, I want to refer to Cell A1
2. If Male AND a Smoker, I want to refer to Cell A2
3. If Female AND a Non-Smoker, I want to refer to Cell A3
4. If Female AND a Smoker, I want to refer to Cell A4

Any help is much appreciated.

If desired, send your file to my address below. I will only look if:
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4. You send before/after examples and expected results.
One way using a data validation restricted cell (g14) with msn,ms,fns,fs
Thanks guys,

I've spent the last few hours working on this and I figured it out! My
formula as follows:

=IF($B$3="Male", IF($B$4="Non-Smoker", 'Premium Rate Table'!L4, 'Premium
Rate Table'!L5), IF($B$3="Female", IF($B$4="Non-Smoker",'Premium Rate
Table'!L6,'Premium Rate Table'!L7)))

B3 = Drop down list where you can choose "Male" or "Female"
B4 = Drop down lise where you can choose "Non-Smoker" or "Smoker"
'Premium Rate Table' = Separate Worksheet with the Premium Rate Tables.
L4 = Male Non-Smoker Premium Rate
L5 = Male Smoker Premium Rate
L6 = Female Non-Smoker Premium Rate
L7 = Female Smoker Premium Rate
The L# fields already have a VLOOKUP formula to obtain the correct Premium
Rate when the relevant Age is entered.

Thanks for your responses anyway.

You didn't exactly help us to help you did you? Your original post gave
nothing that suggested that the option was split over two cells.

You can simplify your formula to

=IF($B$3="Male",IF($B$4="Non-Smoker",'Premium Rate Table'!L4,'Premium Rate
IF($B$4="Non-Smoker",'Premium Rate Table'!L6,'Premium Rate Table'!L7))