Resubmitted to group;
<Did you do a repair install of the OS after changing the board under it?>
No; just updated INF files (these should insure proper HAL hooks) and
drivers. Everything seems to be OK. I was trying to avoid re-registration
because I've passed my limit and didn't want the hassle of the phone call.
However, I could do a repair reinstall, then SP2 and patches to see if it
fixes things (but I don't think it would).
Please note the report by Christopher A. Dziedzic 'Re: Icon Change'
March 21, 2005 2:49 PM. He mentions the same problem that I'm having. You
might ask him whether (1) it's consistent and (2) whether it appears to be
slowing down program launch [try starting 'Help and Support' with MAS
running and with it shutdown].
<but surely that ram change indicates a different chipset?>
Yes; but both are Intel. However, the INF files update/download from the
Intel site should have updated everything having to do with the chipset as
it relates to the OS, HAL, etc. All diagnostics run fine. No other
have been noted.
I've noticed something else; with MAS running, and spawning new icons when
programs are launched, it slows down loading of those programs
As example; clicking on the Calculator in Taskbar... If MAS is unloaded
calculator window opens as soon as the mouse button is released. If MAS is
loaded and running, there is a six second pause between releasing the
button and having the calculator window appear. Hmmm... very consistent.
appears to slow down program loading by 3 seconds for each icon. IE
from the Start menu does not add an icon and it starts normally. IE
from the Taskbar adds 1 icon and loads in 3 seconds. Calculator adds 2
and loads in 6 seconds. Help adds 4 icon and loads in 12 seconds. If I
shutdown MAS, all programs load in less than one second.