Multiple Header and detail on one page?

  • Thread starter Thread starter James T
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James T

Using Access 2000

On a report I need to have multiple Header and Detail
sections. I have searched the Help to no avail.

I have several sections that need to be divided, with
detail under each section. Example: One section is
named "Occupied" and under it is Name, Address, etc. The
next section is "Emergency Repairs" with Name, Address
etc. These are different Name and Address fields and are
so named appropiately in the table.

Any ideas or help appreciated.


Sounds like you need to create Headers for the field that
holds "Occupied". In the reports Design View, look under
Sorting and Grouping... and make a Header for that field
with Name, blah, blah in the detail..

Hope that helps...
Thanks for your suggestion. I have not worked in reports
too much, and I tried your suggestion but I was struggling
with getting the data to display properly. I ended up
making a blank form, hide headers, footers etc. Then I
made a form for each section of the report and just dumped
them on the blank form as sub forms. With a little
manuvering, it came out OK, even exported to Excel the way
I wanted!

Thanks again,
