Seitanidis George said:
How can I select multiple pages in FrontPage that are already opened in
to spellcheck them or do something massively besides find-replace (it can
done without multiple selection). I have 2.000 pages that need spell check
and I can't do that for each one of them seperately (click + F7)
You should have spell check switched on as you work....
FP Help has all the answers.
Check spelling in a page or Web site
Do one or more of the following:
Check spelling on a page
In Page view, on the Standard toolbar, click Spelling .
When Microsoft FrontPage finds an unrecognized word or a spelling error, in
the Spelling dialog box, the word is displayed in the Not in Dictionary box.
Do one of the following:
To replace the word with a word from the Suggestions list, click the
suggested word, and then click Change.
To replace all instances of the word, click the suggested word, and then
click Change All.
To correct the word yourself, type the correct word in the Change To box,
and then click Change.
To correct all instances of the word, type the correct word in the Change To
box, and then click Change All.
If the unrecognized word is correctly spelled, click Ignore to ignore this
instance of the word.
To ignore all instances of this word, click Ignore All.
To add the unrecognized word to your custom dictionary, click Add.
Check spelling in a Web site
On the View menu, click Folders.
Do one of the following:
Run the spelling checker in an entire Web site
Click the top level site (top level site: The uppermost folder in a
hierarchy of Web site folders. A top level site can be hosted on a Web
server, a virtual server network, or a local computer hard disk.).
On the Standard toolbar, click Spelling .
Under Check spelling of, click Entire Web site.
To create a task list and add a task for each page with misspelled words,
select the Add a task for each page with misspellings check box.
Click Start.
Run the spelling checker on selected pages within a Web site
Click the name of the first page, and then hold down CTRL while clicking the
names of all the other pages you want to check the spelling on.
On the Standard toolbar, click Spelling .
Under Check spelling of, click Selected page(s).
To create a task list and add a task for each page with misspelled words,
select the Add a task for each page with misspellings check box.
Click Start.
Do one of the following to correct the spelling of these words:
Correct misspelled words in each page
In the Spelling dialog box, double-click a page from the list of pages that
include the unrecognized or misspelled words in the Web site.
Microsoft FrontPage opens each page in Page view and prompts you to address
the unrecognized or misspelled words.
When you have reviewed all occurrences of the misspelled words in each page,
FrontPage prompts you to close the active page and then move to the next
page in the list.
Correct misspelled words by using a task list
If you selected the Add a task for each page with misspellings check box,
this generates a task list of pages with misspelled words. To access the
task list and begin correcting the misspelled words, do the following:
On the View menu, click Tasks.
In Tasks view, double-click the task labeled Fix misspelled words, and then
click Start Task.
Microsoft FrontPage opens the page in Page view and prompts you to correct
the misspelled words.
Check spelling automatically as you type
On the Tools menu, click Page Options.
On the General tab, select the Check spelling as you type check box.
To show or hide the wavy red lines beneath misspelled words, select or clear
the Hide spelling errors in all documents check box.
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