I am in the process of learing .NET, particularly .NET
compact framework, so excuse me if this is obvious.... I
have a PPC application that I am developing that
currently has approximately 12 forms. I noticed that
upon deployment that navigation among/between the forms
can tend to be rather slow. My question is what is the
best way to navigate between forms in a mutliple form
application? Currently, I use the following method to
open new forms...As an example...
Dim frmMainMenu as New frmMainMenu
Is there a better way? I have seen discussion about
using panels and showing/hiding them but that seems like
it may be laborious, especially when you have up to 12
forms? Any recomendations/comments would be greatly
compact framework, so excuse me if this is obvious.... I
have a PPC application that I am developing that
currently has approximately 12 forms. I noticed that
upon deployment that navigation among/between the forms
can tend to be rather slow. My question is what is the
best way to navigate between forms in a mutliple form
application? Currently, I use the following method to
open new forms...As an example...
Dim frmMainMenu as New frmMainMenu
Is there a better way? I have seen discussion about
using panels and showing/hiding them but that seems like
it may be laborious, especially when you have up to 12
forms? Any recomendations/comments would be greatly