Josh Handel
I am working on a fairly complex GUI and I have a problem.. I have
several forms that work togeather to make up a Single UI. Here is my
problem.. How do I make it so that when any one form is selected the
group of forms pop to the front (as if the group were actually one
single form. I was going to do this all as one form with regions but
some parts of the UI have to "Snap" off to become satelite windows..
Anyways I have tried the GotFocus event but it seems to lock the form
group up.. What I really want is some way to detect what Z order one
of the forms is on the desktop and a way to move the other forms to
around that z order.
Josh Handel
several forms that work togeather to make up a Single UI. Here is my
problem.. How do I make it so that when any one form is selected the
group of forms pop to the front (as if the group were actually one
single form. I was going to do this all as one form with regions but
some parts of the UI have to "Snap" off to become satelite windows..
Anyways I have tried the GotFocus event but it seems to lock the form
group up.. What I really want is some way to detect what Z order one
of the forms is on the desktop and a way to move the other forms to
around that z order.
Josh Handel